A new fashion reality series was announced by NBC today, which will partner with media studio Electus to search America for the next top brand in fashion. The show will be hosted by Elle Macpherson, Australian fashion icon and businesswoman. She is commonly known for her executive producer...
Starbucks disposable...
posted by courtni
Although Starbucks has been praised for their many green endeavors, there also has been criticism of the company, claiming that the paper cups (that promote recycling on their label) can’t actually be recycled. Supposedly, the plastic film on the inside of the cups, which prevents the...
Is demand for organi...
posted by courtni
In the US, we all believe that we are making the socially responsible choice by purchasing organic cotton. However, how often do we think about the negative consequences that our green lifestyles could potentially cause? In Africa, malaria is affecting millions, and the western hunger for...
From asses to elepha...
posted by courtni
It’s only days away – the dreaded, nationally-procrastinated deadline: April 15th. Is that the sound of a funeral procession or is it just my checkbook making its way to the cemetery in a W-2 draped hearse? Before you pull out the Johnny Cash blacks and cuddle up with a Sarah McLachlan album...